As You Go Forward…

As You Go Forward…

“As a disciple of Jesus, you too are sent out with this very same power through the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and was poured out on his early followers. And you too are charged with the responsibility to live under God’s authority as you go forward...
Our Knowing

Our Knowing

We must move our knowing to the bodily, cellular, participative, and thus unitive level. We must keep eating and drinking the Mystery, until one day it dawns on us, in an undefended moment, “My God, I really am what I eat! I also am the Body of Christ” (John 6:53-58)....
Absolute Abundance

Absolute Abundance

“As long as you operate inside any scarcity model, there will never be enough God or grace to go around. Jesus came to undo our notions of scarcity and tip us over into a worldview of absolute abundance – or what he would call the “Reign of God.” The Gospel...
We Do Not Need to be Afraid

We Do Not Need to be Afraid

“We do not need to be afraid of the depths and breadths of our own lives, of what this world offers us or asks of us. We are given permission to become intimate with our own experiences, learn from them, and allow ourselves to descend to the depth of things, even our...
The Outpouring of God

The Outpouring of God

Everything visible, without exception, is the outpouring of God. What else could it really be? “Christ” is a word for the Primordial Template (“Logos”) through whom “all things came into being, and not one thing had its being except through him” (John 1:3). – Richard...


Know it well, love is its meaning.  Who reveals this to you? Love. What does he reveal? Love. Why? For Love.  Remain in this and you will know more of the same. – Lady Julian of Norwich, Showings