Steve McPeek - September 4, 2022
All of Me
Scripture References: Luke 14:25-33
From Series: "All Services"
Worship services from Bradley UMC in Greenfield, Indiana.
Sundays: Worship – 9:45am | Adult Classes – 8:30am
by GarrisonComms | Jun 16, 2022
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CloseThe engaging life of Jesus draws many followers. But a life of discipleship requires more than initial attraction and casual interest. Discipleship requires sacrifice, the release of anything that would supplant Christ as our highest priority. Full dedication to the way of Jesus is what brings us life. What are you unwilling to give up or sacrifice to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Scripture References: Luke 14:25-33
More Messages from Steve McPeek
Worship services from Bradley UMC in Greenfield, Indiana.